(770) 472-0805 of Call our 24 Hour Hot Line (404) 626-5528. We Speak Spanish and English jfcastanedalawfirm@gmail.com

Animal & Dog Bites

If you have a dog that has bitten someone or if you have been the victim of a dog bite, having a lawyer that is knowledgeable and effective in protecting your rights as a victim or your rights as a pet owner can be crucial in handling you case. The law and regulatory statues regarding dog attacks vary from State to State and even within certain counties there may be additional referendums that could affect the out come of the case.

Victims of a dog bite have every right to sue the owner of the dog and receive compensation for injuries sustained, medical costs and may be entitled to further enumerations due to emotional distress. The lawyers at The Castaneda Law Firm will go over, in detail, the merits of your case and explain the intricacies of the law and how it pertains to your situation. Being attacked is a traumatic experience and regardless of the severity of the incident, no animal bite should go untreated or left uninvestigated. It is our job to make sure you are taken care of and get a fair settlement for being victimized.

If you are the owner of the attacking dog it is imperative that you understand your rights and liabilities. Having The Castaneda Law Firm on your side will bring reassurance that your legal defense team will protect your interest, including saving your pet from being killed. Your financial assets can be put at risk for even the most minor of incidents unless you have proper legal representation. Don’t risk financial devastation by thinking the “other guy” is going to just “let it go”. It doesn’t happen and there is nothing wrong in protecting yourself or your beloved pet.

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