(770) 472-0805 of Call our 24 Hour Hot Line (404) 626-5528. We Speak Spanish and English jfcastanedalawfirm@gmail.com

Drunk Driving Accidents

If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) the consequences can be profound not just for yourself but for your loved ones as well. It is estimated that over 500,000 people each year are arrested for drunk driving. A drunk driving incident can cause personal injury, property damage and costs the public over 100 billion dollars in taxes.

For those client’s that decide to take the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or other narcotics, the results of their arrests can be an immediate suspension or loss of their driver’s license, the impounding of their vehicle, arrest and incarceration as well as a law suit brought on by those that may have been affected by this act of poor judgment. It is imperative that you seek legal help asap. The attorneys at The Castaneda Law Firm can help defend you against your DUI charges.

For those clients that have been injured by a drunk driver, the attorneys at The Castaneda Law Firm can thoroughly prepare your case to achieve a fair settlement for your injuries. The experience we have in defending DUI cases, also provides us with the experience to exploit the weaknesses in a DUI driver’s defense against your civil claim for compensation of your injuries.

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