(770) 472-0805 of Call our 24 Hour Hot Line (404) 626-5528. We Speak Spanish and English jfcastanedalawfirm@gmail.com

Nursing Home Abuse

Abuses in nursing homes and the harm caused to our elderly population is something that should never be tolerated. Lack of proper hygiene, bedsores, mistakes in medication and poor medical treatment, along with simple and plain neglect are too often perpetuated by the very people that are suppose to care for our elderly parents and grandparents. When the rights and health of your elderly nursing home relatives are abused and their safety threatened, the prudent course of action is to get legal representation to stop the abuse and hold the responsible person(s)/company accountable.

The Castaneda Law Firm of Clayton County at 116 S. Main St., Ste 7, Jonesboro in Georgia is your sword against the injustice of nursing home abuse. Federal investigators have found that over 90% of the country’s nursing homes were in violation of health and safety standards. Although these types of facilities are routinely inspected, these types of violations consistently slip through the cracks. Have you become suspicious that there are warning signs that abuse and neglect may also be present against your loved one? If you suspect your loved ones of being abused, neglected or harmed in any manner, don’t hesitate to contact us for a consultation. We’ll help you protect the ones you love against nursing home abuse.

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